I have read every book that A.L. Knorr has written. They are always filled with amazing and descriptive world-building, heart-stopping action scenes, and characters that I love and have become invested in.
Pre-Orders, New Releases, and Free Books
Books that are discounted or in special promotions will be highlighted in this section.

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Shadows of the Fallen
Book 1 of A Trespass of Angels
Release date: summer 2025

Collector's Edition Hardcover
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A Star of Darkness
A standalone novel in the Scented Court

The Scented Court
Bespoke Paperback Bundle
Only available direct from my store

New Audio Release
A Star of Darkness
Dual Narration

Returning, first book of The Mermaid’s Return series is free on all retailers or as a gift for signing up for my newsletter.
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Please note that some of these promotions are only available in specific markets, and some may be collaborations with other authors.

Best Deal!
Get all six Elemental Origin e-books for only $9.99
(U$37 value)

Super Deal!
Get all five Arcturus Academy e-books for only $9.99
(U$26 value)

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Paperback book bundles are available from my store!
from A.L. Knorr

Map of Ivryndi
Full-color poster available from my store!
from A.L. Knorr

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Audiobook bundles available at massive savings.
from A.L. Knorr

Cover Reveal
My next work-in-progress will follow Petra's story. Click/tap for more details. The first book in a new series scheduled for release Summer of 2025.
I am A.L. Knorr, USA Today bestselling author and award-winning fantasy writer. I have more fun inside my head than I do in the real world and I believe that life is storytelling. We learn through the stories we consume and the stories we share. With so many characters bumping elbows in my brain, the only way to get peace was to get them down on paper (screen) and into someone else’s head.
Welcome to my website! Please have a look around; the mermaids and fairies are friendly. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please jump to Contacts and get in touch.
Some of my books are in Kindle Unlimited (KU), which is exclusive to Amazon, while others are published on all retailers, referred to as “wide”. Those in the latter group have links to these retailers on their book page, or check the retailer links below.
If you’re looking for signed (signature stamp) hardcovers, selected titles are available at The Signed Book Shop, but only until the end of 2024. Subscribe to my newsletter or watch this space for more about special editions in 2025.
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